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Agreement For Labour Contract

For each new batch of construction workers made available by the contractor, the contractor communicates to the company the list of the address and the various information provided by the worker. this can be positive to confirm the responsibility of a portion of the contractor and to ensure that people of undesirable origin do not appear to be occupied. 6. Where the company finds that a worker provided by the contractor is unable to perform the work in question satisfactorily or is not physically able to perform the work in question, the contractor removes such a worker from the service and replaces another worker in his place. The company`s complaint is final and accepted as justified by the contractor or by the employee. 21. When workers provided by the contractor for loading and unloading the cargo are required to work more than 8 hours, the contractor is required to pay overtime wages, as required by law. The company reimburses overtime wages. However, if workers are required to work less than 8 hours, the contractor is not entitled to assert a right against the company because he is required to pay the workers their wages for 8 hours of work. 12. If a statutory compensation for the worker provided by the contractor is not appropriate or is not incompatible with the employment service or, if applicable, is not made available, the company will make it available within the statutory time frame and the contractor is obliged to bear the costs he has incurred at the company`s request. 4. The contractor carries out the activity of supplying labour to each establishment, including work specializing in loading and unloading cargoes of ships at the aforementioned ports and other ports in India and the contractor is licensed under the Labour Contract (Regulation – Regulations) of Abolition 1970.

If a company property is broken or a theft takes place on the company`s site as a result of the employee, the contractor becomes vulnerable to payment of compensation to the company and in addition to changing the lost or broken equipment to the extent of its value. If workers are not able to perform the tasks satisfactorily or at regular intervals for the desired period, the contractor may also be asked to change them from the next day. an affordable basic measure, at least at some point, could also be given to the contractor to mobilize rescue men. One clause could also be another that could make the contractor liable if staff are unable to meet the wishes of your deadlines and objectives. In such a case, the penalty could also be deducted from the amount resulting from the contractor. Transportation is one in each of the most important aspects needed to provide humans. It specifies whether the transport of workers to the factory or geographical point is the responsibility of the company or the contractor. Sometimes it is the contractor who organizes such transportation. 5. The company proposes to entrust the work of loading and unloading the company`s vessel arriving in that port and the contractor has agreed to provide the work for this purpose on the following conditions recorded and agreed between the parties. It establishes any amount retractable by the contractor, deductible from the amount that is retractable.

This is worth mentioning to create the company`s position safely and avoid legal problems to say such amounts. 4. It is the responsibility of the company to give instructions or guidelines on how loading and unloading work is carried out by workers, and the workers provided by the contractor will perform the work accordingly. Workplaces generally have safe rules and rules about people`s behaviour on the premises. this can be for the safety of people and machines. The elements of the machine are destroyed by mishandling. It is therefore necessary to discuss the code of conduct with staff and identify them in safe areas.